Enabling Sales LLC

     Hello, my name is Greg Miller, and my professional journey began as a B2B bag-carrying sales representative. Through basic hard work,  I learned how to be successful in B2B sales and earned numerous "new business" awards.

    In the early 80s, a childhood friend sought my assistance creating a sales plan for software targeting manufacturers. Joining as the 3rd employee, I assumed responsibilities for sales and marketing.

   Our company had remarkable success, and I was promoted to President. Within a decade, we achieved the milestone of taking the company public without external capital, relying solely on sales-driven growth.

   Subsequently, I ventured into purchasing and/or founding technology companies, fostering their growth through sales achievements.

   In 2007, I established Enabling Sales, dedicated to guiding technology business leaders, owners, and CEOs in deciphering the intricacies of sales growth to optimize their companies' sales performance.

   My approach centers on the belief that sales outcomes are controllable by cultivating skilled individuals and overseeing three fundamental benchmarks: Value, Volume, and Throughput.

   Allow us to demonstrate how you can leverage these principles for your own success.


My Mission

   I enjoy helping business owners, CEOs, and sales leaders learn how to grow their software and technology companies without making wholesale changes to their existing people, process, and technologies.

   I have had a lot of success in taking early-stage technology companies and growing them to a market leadership position and/or successful liquidity events for the owners.

   Outside capital becomes much less important when generating your cash through sales.  That is my mission, and why I do what I do.


My Story

   As a sales leader of a start-up company in the early 80s, I gained first-hand experience in trying to grow sales as an early-stage company.  We had minimal capital, limited resources, and no market awareness, and I was the only sales resource.

   We grew that company by doubling or tripling sales every year. I became President, and we had offices throughout the globe. We took the company public in 1991, and the growth continued year after year.

   This experience of building market-leading companies through sales growth was repeated in the CRM, manufacturing, construction, and healthcare industries. You can visit my LinkedIn profile to gain more insight into my career and see the company names.


Who I Serve

   My ideal client is a B2B technology, SaaS, or technical services company with sales between $2M and $100M. The company can be a bootstrapped organization or one funded by institutional capital.

   The common theme is the desire to start funding the company through sales growth instead of finding additional investors or debt financing.

Struggling with no sales growth in your B2B technology business?

Book your free 30-minute consultation, where we talk about you and your business — and explore whether my expertise can help you achieve your goals.

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